Of course not
all new media objects are explicitly databases. Computer games, for instance, are
experienced by their players as narratives. In a game, the player is given a well-defined
task winning the match, being first in a race, reaching the last level, or reaching
the highest score. It is this task which makes the player experience the game as a
narrative. Everything which happens to her in a game, all the characters and objects she
encounters either take her closer to achieving the goal or further away from it. Thus, in
contrast to the CD-ROM and Web databases, which always appear arbitrary since the
user knows that additional material could have been added without in any way modifying the
logic of the database, in a game, from a user's point of view, all the elements are
motivated ( i.e., their presence is justified).(4)
Often the narrative shell of a game («you are the
specially trained commando who has just landed on a Lunar base; your task is to
make your way to the headquarters occupied by the mutant base personnel...») masks a
simple algorithm well-familiar to the player: kill all the enemies on the current level,
while collecting all treasures it contains; go to the next level and so on until you reach
the last level. Other games have different algorithms. Here is an algorithm of the
legendary «Tetris»: when a new block appears, rotate it in such a way so it will
complete the top layer of blocks on the bottom of the screen making this layer disappear.
The similarity between the actions expected from the player and computer algorithms is too
uncanny to be dismissed. While computer games do not follow database logic, they appear to
be ruled by another logic that of an algorithm. They demand that a player executes
an algorithm in order to win.
An algorithm is the key to the game experience in a
different sense as well. As the player proceeds through the game, she gradually discovers
the rules which operate in the universe constructed by this game. She learns its hidden
logic, in short its algorithm. Therefore, in games where the game play departs from
following an algorithm, the player is still engaged with an algorithm, albeit in
another way: she is discovering the algorithm of the game itself. I mean this both
metaphorically and literally: for instance, in a first person shooter, such as «Quake,»
the player may eventually notice that under such and such condition the enemies will
appear from the left, i.e. she will literally reconstruct a part of the algorithm
responsible for the game play. Or, in a diffirent formulation of the legendary author of
Sim games Will Wright, «Playing the game is a continuos loop between the user (viewing
the outcomes and inputting decisions) and the computer (calculating outcomes and
displaying them back to the user). The user is trying to build a mental model of the
computer model.»(5)
What we encountered here is an example of the general
principle of new media: the projection of the ontology of a computer onto culture
itself. If in physics the world is made of atoms and in genetics it is made of genes,
computer programming encapsulates the world according to its own logic. The world is
reduced to two kinds of software objects which are complementary to each other: data
structures and algorithms. Any process or task is reduced to an algorithm, a final
sequence of simple operations which a computer can execute to accomplish a given task. And
any object in the world be it the population of a city, or the weather
over the course of a century, a chair, a human brain is modeled as a data
structure, i.e. data organized in a particular way for efficient search and retrieval (6).
Examples of data structures are arrays, linked lists and graphs. Algorithms and data
structures have a symbiotic relationship. The more complex the data structure of a
computer program, the simpler the algorithm needs to be, and vice versa. Together, data
structures and algorithms are two halves of the ontology of the world according to a
The computerization of culture involves the projection
of these two fundamental parts of computer software and of the computer's
unique ontology onto the cultural sphere. If CD-ROMs and Web databases are
cultural manifestations of one half of this ontology data structures, then
computer games are manifestations of the second half algorithms. Games (sports,
chess, cards, etc.) are one cultural form which required algorithm-like behavior from the
players; consequently, many traditional games were quickly simulated on computers. In
parallel, new genres of computer games came into existence such as a first person shooter
(«Doom,» «Quake»). Thus, as it was the case with database genres, computer games both
mimic already existing games and create new game genres.
It may appear at first sight that data is passive and
algorithm is active another example of passive-active binary categories so loved by
human cultures. A program reads in data, executes an algorithm, and writes out new data.
We may recall that before «computer science» and «software engineering» became
established names for the computer field, it was called «data processing.» This
name remained in use for a few decades during which computers were mainly associated with
performing calculations over data. However, the passive/active distinction is not quite
accurate since data does not just exist it has to be generated. Data creators have
to collect data and organize it, or create it from scratch. Texts need to written,
photographs need to be taken, video and audio need to be recorded. Or they need to be
digitized from already existing media. In the 1990s, when the new role of a computer
as a Universal Media Machine became apparent, already computerized societies went into a
digitizing craze. All existing books and video tapes, photographs and audio recordings
started to be fed into computers at an ever increasing rate. Steven Spielberg created the
Shoah Foundation which videotaped and then digitized numerous interviews with Holocaust
survivors; it would take one person forty years to watch all the recorded material.
The editors of Mediamatic journal, who devoted a whole issue to the topic of «the
storage mania» (Summer 1994) wrote: «A growing number of organizations are embarking on
ambitious projects. Everything is being collected: culture, asteroids, DNA patterns,
credit records, telephone conversations; it doesn't matter.»(7) Once it is digitized, the
data has to be cleaned up, organized, indexed. The computer age brought with it a new
cultural algorithm: reality-> media->data->database. The rise of the Web, this
gigantic and always changing data corpus, gave millions of people a new hobby or
profession: data indexing. There is hardly a Web site which does not feature at least a
dozen links to other sites, therefore every site is a type of database. And, with the rise
of Internet commerce, most large-scale commercial sites have become real databases, or
rather front-ends to company databases. For instance, in the Fall of 1998, Amazon.com, an
online book store, had 3 million books in its database; and the maker of leading
commercial database Oracle has offered Oracle 8i, fully integrated with the
Internet and featuring unlimited database size, natural-language queries and support for
all multimedia data types.(8) Jorge Luis Borges's story about a map which was equal in
size to the territory it represented became re-written as the story about indexes
and the data they index. But now the map has become larger than the territory. Sometimes,
much larger. Porno Web sites exposed the logic of the Web to its extreme by constantly
re-using the same photographs from other porno Web sites. Only rare sites featured the
original content. On any given date, the same few dozen images would appear on thousands
of sites. Thus, the same data would give rise to more indexes than the number of data
elements themselves.
(4) David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson define motivation
in cinema in the following way: «Because films are human constructs, we can expect that
any one element in a film will have some justification for being there. This justification
is the motivation for that element.» Here are some examples of motivation: «When Tom
jumps from the balloon to chase a cat, we motivate his action by appealing to notions of
how dogs are likely to act when cats are around.» «The movement of a character across a
room may motivate the moving of the camera to follow the action and keep the character
within a frame.» David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson, Film Art: an Introduction. 5th
Edition (New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1997), 80.
(5) Chris McGowan and Jim McCullaugh, Entertainment in
the Cyber Zone (New York: Random House, 1995), 71.
(6) This is true for a procedural programming paradigm.
In a object-oriented programming paradigm, represented by such computer languages as Java
and C++, algorithms and data structures are modeled together as objects.
(7) Mediamatic 8, no. 1 (Summer 1994), 1860.
(8) Http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/subst/misc/company-info.html
accessed Nov. 28, 1998;